Istilah-istilah Dalam Kepariwisataan

Istilah-istilah Dalam Kepariwisataan

  1. Hotel/Hotel: tempat untuk menginap sejenis kamar tidur yg identik berkelas.
  2. Restoran/Restaurant : suatu tempat makan yang biasanya identik mewah dan besar yang di dalamnya menyediakan berbagai jenis hidangan makanan.
  3. Reservasi/Reservation : Reservasi adalah suatu proses permintaan pemesanan kamar dan fasilitas lain yang diinginkan oleh calon tamu untuk periode tertentu.
  4. Rekreasi/Recreation: Suatu keinginan untuk mengunjungi salah satu objek wisata yang biasanya bertujuan untuk menenangkan diri ataupun sekedar bersenang –  senang ( refreshing ).
  5. Diving : kegiatan menyelam didalam laut biasanya bertujuan untuk melihat dan menikmati keindaha bawah laut.
  6. Snorkeling : kegiatan berenang atau menyelam dengan mengenakan peralatan berupa masker selam dan snorkel. Selain itu, penyelam sering mengenakan alat bantu gerak berupa kaki katak (sirip selam) untuk menambah daya dorong pada kaki.
  7. Dormitory : tipe kamar yang ada dan disediakan di hostel. Biasanya penghuni dormotory diisi beberapa orang yang belum kenal. Dormitory diisi 4 sampai 10 orang dalam ruangan yang sama. Dormitory harus menaati peraturan yang sangat tinggi, seperti tidak merokok atau membuat kegaduhan. Dormitory sangat diminati juga populer dikalangan backpaker karena harganya yang lebih murah.
  8. Hostel : hostel adalah sejenis tempat menginap akan tetapi perbedaannya adalah fasilitas didalamnya digunakan secara bersama-sama oleh penggunanya, seperti kamar mandi, dapur dan ruang tamu. Kelebihannya diantaranya adalah penghuni hostel punya kesempatan untuk lebih bersosialisasi dengan tamu lain. Bukan hanya dormitory saja yang menyediakan kamar privat layaknya hotel.
  9. Homestay : adalah rumah biasa yang sebagian kamarnya disewakan kepada tamu, namun tamu yang menginap akan tinggal dalam jangka waktu lama.homestay sering diikuti oleh pelajar asing guna mempelajari kebudayaan setempat.
  10. Motel : hotel yang di desain yang lokasinya biasanya ada di pinggir jalan raya dan menyediakan tempat parkir luas untuk tamunya. Motel biasanya digunakan sebagai tempat istirahat sebelum penghuni melanjutkan kembali perjalanannya.
  11. Reserved : produk ataupun jasa yang telah dipesan sebelumnya dan juga telah disetujui.
  12.  Pakansi/ Vacation : sejenis liburan akhir pekan yang digunakan untuk menghabiskan waktu seperti liburan.
  13. Berkemah/ Camping : salah satu jenis wisata yang identik dengan membangun tenda, yang lokasinya biasanya di alam liar ataupun lapangan.
  14.  Travel/ Travel : sebuah biro perjalanan yang mengatur tentang semua perjalanan wisata kita.
  15.  Pantai/ Beach : sebuah objek wisata yang berada di sekitar laut.
  16.  Teater/ Theater : sebuah seni pariwisata yang tujuannya menunjukkan tontonan yang menarik untuk kalangan yang sedang berwisata.
  17. Gunung / Mountain: sebuah objek wisata yang banyak diminati seperti pecinta alam, karena keindahan atasnya dan serunya medan yang harus dilalui untuk sampai puncaknya.
  18. Tari /Dance : salah satu seni wisata yang menunjukkan jenis tari-tarian masing-masing daerah yang sedang dikunjungi para wisatawan, untuk lebih mengenal akan sebuah budaya.
  19. Koper/ Suitcase : salah satu alat untuk berwisata yang digunakan untuk meletakkan barang bawaan saat berwisata.
  20. Pesawat/Airplane: sebuah alat transporatsi udara yang biasanya digunakan untuk berwisata dari satu daerah ke daerah lain yang sangat jauh tempatnya.
  21. Bus/Bus : alat berkendara yang biasanya digunakan saat berwisata untuk sekedar melihat lihat alam sekitar di satu tempat wisata, karena jika jalan kaki para wisatawan akan mudah lelah. Maka, bus lah yang menjadi kendaraannya.
  22. Bagasi/Baggage : suatu tempat untuk meletakkan barang bawaan sebelum berwisata.
  23. Kamera/Camera : suatu alat untuk memotret gambar yang biasanya tujuannya untuk kenang-kenangan saat berwisata di salah satu tempat.
  24. Cinderamata/Merchandise : sebuah jenis oleh-oleh yang khas dari suatu tempat wisata yang biasanya untuk kerabat yang tidak ikut serta berwisata.
  25. Kacamata/Sunglasses : sebuah alat untuk melindungi mata dari sninar cahaya matahari.para wisatawan sering menggunakan benda ini agar mata bisa terlindung dari cahaya matahari langsung.
  26. Kolam renang/Swimming pool : sebuah objek wisata yang didalamnya terdapat berbagai wahana air, tempat ini sering menjadi tempat tujuan wisata karena tempatnya yang mengasyikan untuk berwisata.
  27. Pariwisata Bahari/marine tourism :aktivitas wisata yang telah lama dikembangkan sebagai Tour Destination Object di Kepulauan Wakatobi. Hal ini sangat didukung dengan keberadaan Taman Laut Nasional Kepulauan Wakatobi.
  28. Ekowisata /ecological tourism : yaitu suatu model pengembangan pariwisata yang bertanggung jawab di daerah yang masih alami atau daerah-daerah yang dikelola secara kaidah alam untuk menikmati dan menghargai alam.
  29. Surfing/Selancar: adalah olahraga menaiki ombak dengan papan seluncur.
  30. Pameran/Exhibition: adalah suatu kegiatan penyajian karyaseni rupa untuk dikomunikasikan sehingga dapat dia presiasikan dengan masyarakat luas atau wisatawan.
  31. Festival/Festival: adalah harian atau pecan gembira dalam rangka peristiwa penting dan bersejarah. Misalnya pestarakyat.
  32. Panorama/Panorama: adalah pemandangan alam yang luas dan bebas yang biasanya dinikmati oleh wisatawan atau pelancong.
  33. Musium/Museum: adalah tempat untuk menyimpan benda-benda bersejarah yang biasanya sering dikunjungi oleh para wisatawan.
  34. Kuliner/Culinary : berbagai macam wisata makanan yang ada di suatu kota maupun Negara tertentu.
  35. Lokal/Local  :  suatu para wisatawan yang berasal dari dalam wilayah itu sendiri.
  36. Fasilitas/Facility : sarana untuk melancarkan pelaksanaan fungsi untuk wisatawan.
  37. Tiket/Ticket : suatu tanda untuk masuk ke lokasi wisata.
  38. Passport : alat yang biasanya digunakan oleh seseorang yang hendak pergi ke suatu negara dengan tujuan berwisata atau hal lain sebagai tanda pengenal.
  39. Caddy : Tukang angkat-angkat atau pesuruh dalam permainan golf yang membawa tas golf berisikan beberapa stick golf.
  40.  Cancellation Fee : Biaya atas pembatalan penggunaan jasa yang telah dipesan sebelumnya seperti, pembatalan pemesanan hotel, tiket pesawat, paket tour dan lain-lainnya.
  41. Confidential tariff : Harga yang berlaku antara pihak-pihak tertentu sesuai dengan harga yang telah disepakati dalam perjanjian yang telah dibuat sebelumnya.
  42. Conveyor belt : Ban berjalan di bandara tempat kita mengambil barang/bagasi yang ingin kita bawa saat berwisata.
  43. Extra bed : tempat tidur tambahan yang diganakan jika masih ada beberapa yang kekurangan pada fasilitas untuk istirahat.
  44. Cancellation Fee : Biaya atas pembatalan penggunaan jasa yang telah dipesan sebelumnya seperti, pembatalan pemesanan hotel, tiket pesawat, paket tour dan lain-lain.


Tika Dwityastuti (17612383)


Lombok City


Lombok, a small island is not only reach from culture and art, it is also reach in culinary which have special taste hot and spicy as well as the island name “Lombok” in Bahasa Indonesia is mean Chili paper that always using in all Lombok food. Not only Lombok Traditional food, other food such Padang food, Chinese food, Betawi food and western food also easy to find in restaurant around Lombok, but still dominated by Lombok food.



Plecing Kangkung


Plecing  very popular on Lombok as a daily dishes to eat together with plain rice. Plecing kangkung consists of a boiled kangkung (water spinach) seasoning with Sambal Terasi (Special Lombok Chili Sauce) made from grounded fresh red chili, tomato, sprouts, salt, grilled coconut, roasted shrimp paste and lime. It’s taste hot and spicy.

Ayam Taliwang, a tour of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara will not be complete without tasting the local food of Ayam Taliwang. The uniqueness of Ayam Taliwangcomes from chicken that is used, still fresh and young. Beside that, it also can be served as fried chicken, spicy roasted chicken, and also honey roasted chicken. Ayam Taliwang always serve together with Plecing Kangkung with spicy chili sauce and rice.


Bebalung is Sasak language means ribs. This food called Bebalung because made from cows or goats ribs. Its cooked similar to common soup but very well done so the meat at the bones become very soft with traditional seasoning blends. This menu always available in every celebration of local residents. Served with plain rice, slice of lemon and chili make it fresh and tasty. The soup and chili served in separate so for someone who can’t eat spicy food can try this.


Sate Ikan Tanjung
Sate Ikan Tanjung (Fish Satay) Originally coming from a village called Tanjung – Northern Lombok. Pieces of fresh snapper or tuna mixed with coconut milk, lemongrass, garlic, chilli paper, spices, wrapped onto sate stick and grilled. Easy to find this Satay in Ampenan and Tanjung where the food come from. Usually served separate with young chili. 

Sate Pusut (Pusut Satay)
The kind of this Satay made from coconut, seasoning and meat. Mix together and put in the stick then grilled. This food is available in every celebration as the choice beside of Satay Tanjung, Chicken Satay and Lamb Satay.


Ares is kind of curry dishes, it made from Ares (Batang Pisang) or in English called banana stem especially inner part cooked together with special seasoning in coconut milk and mixed with meat of chicken, beef or even fish. Its become one of the menu that should available with the Sate (satay), bebalung and pelecing Kangkun on every celebration people in Lombok such as weeding, local ritual, Hari Raya Lebaran (Idul fitri) serve always with rice.

Malean Sampi Festival Lombok

From many festivals that are celebrated in Lombok, the Male’an Sampi Festival of Lombok is a famous one that is celebrated with much so fun. The Male’an Sampi Festival of Lombok is unique for the reason that unlike other festivals, the Male’an Sampi Festival of Lombok is a power-charged game ritual. People have been known the Male’an Sampi Festival since 18 century in the government of Japan era in Indonesia.

The name of the Male’an Sampi Festival of Lombok “Male’an Sampi” can be split into two Sasak words “Male’an” and Sampi”. The word of “Male’an”means ‘chase’or as ‘to run after’ in Sasak, while the “Sampi” means ‘cow’. So literally the Male’an Sampi Festival of Lombok is a festival of cow race or, more broadly, ‘cattle race’. Held within the month of April, the race occurs after the harvest has been gathered and the farms are going through a rest period. During this time, the farmers and the cattle owners and stock breeders take advantage of the leisure to organize and host the Male’an Sampi Festival of Lombok. In fact, through the entire country of Indonesia, the Male’an Sampi Festival of Lombok is a special in this island. 

In this festival is especially for the ability control of two cattle completed with farmer equipment such Gau, Ayuga, Samet and Serumpungan or Kerotok. Before the race begins, the cattle that have been chosen by the owners with care. The cow is decorated to make it more interesting in the race. There is a procession of locals accompanied by music and fanfare. Some of the popular genres of music that accompany this procession are Tawak-Tawak, Gamelan Kampul and Batek Baris Lingsar. After all this, the race begins in the arena. The main arena comprises of a 100 meter long race track. However, it is not an ordinary race track, it is waterlogged. The cows that have been prepared for the race, with good food, grooming and a tiny dose of ‘black magic’ then take to the tracks. The winner and the good performers in the race get star ratings and are put up for sale by the owners as they are considered to be a good investment.


Gendang Beleq /Big Drum (Lombok Traditional Musik)

Gendang Beleq is one of the most popular traditional dance from Lombok. It is named so because each dancer plays a big beleq (drum). In the old times, this dance was performed to say good bye to the soldiers who went to battle fields, and also to welcome those soldiers when they returned. Nowadays this dance is performed to welcome important visitors.
It also a lot performed in various occasions such as marriage ceremonies, in a parade called Nyongkolan and also for the entertainment of the important guests in Lombok.

The performance of Gendang Beleq also combined with dance called Gandrung. The dance involves two huge drums to accompany it. The word “Beleq” means huge and the other word “Gendang” stands for drum. The drums make loud noises, which in turn signify the essence that makes war. 4 or 6 Oceh/Oncer dancer also plays Copeh Instrument and 1 person plays Petuk. Additional instrument are Suling, Gong, Terumpang, Kenceng and Pencek. Total player in a group of this performance is around forty persons.

In the performance of Gendang Beleq have 3 parts and meaning of each part. First part danced by Oncer player, Gendang and Petuk. This part is representation of the soldier going for war. Second part danced by Petuk player with funny style, this dance just for entertain the audience. Third part danced by Oncer player, Gendang and Petuk, this part is representation of the war over.

All the performers wear colorful dresses while dancing. They wearing traditional customs such short pant and cloth, collared clothes, traditional belt called dodot and headband.
Now Gendang Beleq is a part of Indonesian culture festival to promote about Lombok. It is also become one of art education in school. Most of Junior high school in Lombok has Gendang beleq group who can perform and plays as well as their senior. Gendang Beleq attracts music lovers of all people because it is not only to entertain the soldier but all people who see this would enjoy and like it.




In Lombok people speak Bahasa Indonesia like the Balinese and also have their own Sasak language. The Sasak language is spoken by the Sasak ethnic group, which make up the majority of the population. It is closely related to the languages of Bali and Sumbawa.

The language is divided into five dialects, which are not always mutually intelligible:

Kuto-Kute (North Sasak)
Ngeto-Ngete (Northeast Sasak)
Meno-Mene (Central Sasak)
Ngeno-Ngene (Central East Sasak, Central West Sasak)
Mriak-Mriku (Central South Sasak)

Here are some simple phrases.

Where are you going? (the most common greeting) – Ojok um bay?
Just walking – Lampat-lampat
I’m going to Senggigi – Senggigi wah mo ojok um bay
Where is? – Um bay tao?
How are you? – Berem bay khabar?
I’m fine – Bagus / solah
And you? – Berem bay seeda?
How many children do you have? – Pira kanak de?
See you – Yak la low
No problem – Nday kambay kambay

The numbers have a similarity to Bahasa Indonesia:
0 – Ndarak
1 – Skek
2 – Dua
3 – Telu
4 – Empat
5 – Lima
6 – Enam
7 – Pitook
8 – Baluk
9 – Siwak
10 – Sepulu


Cidomo Lombok Island Traditional carriage

A Cidomo is a small horse-drawn carriage used on Indonesia’s Lombok Islands used instead of motorized transport for a traditional market at lombok island. Cidomo came from word of Cikar Dokar Motor. Cikar is a traditional transport for Indonesian traditional village. Dokar is a traditional carriage to mount some good to bring and it to traditional market. And Motor is motorized transport. Cikar and dokar is the name for the body and the horse. In Jakarta it’s mean andong. And motor came form the tire. It’s like a car, isn’t? ha ha ha ha ha. Some of unique name for this traditional transportations.

The carriage usually seats up to four people, two people in the front and two in the back, and in the Gili Islands is one of the most common forms of transport as motor vehicles are not allowed. The horse carts or the cidomos are the most popular mode of transportation in the island of Lombok in Indonesia. In Senggigi and Gillis the Cidomo is mostly used by the tourists. But in the other places in Lombok, the Cidomo is a very important means of transportation for the local travelers also.  The Lombok Cidomo Service is very popular amongst the visitors for the availability and the fun that the ride provides. The fare of taking a Cidomo ride often depends on two factors – whether the Cidomo is available or not and whether there is enough demand or not.  There is no dearth for the demand for Cidomo service in Lombok during the peak seasons. The price that you have to pay for taking a ride in the Cidomo for a short trip is 1000Rp, which may rise up to 1500Rp.



GendangBeleq Dance (Lombok)

 The traditional GendangBeleq Dance is an ancient Lombok ritual that is accompanied by rhythmic drumming that is beaten out on huge drums. The dance was originally performed to send Lombok warriors off to battle and again to welcome their return. Nowadays the dance is performed more for tourists and is accompanied by other cultural showpieces, handicrafts and traditional food and drinks

 Gandrung Dance (Lombok)

 Gandrung dance is performed usually by a young woman in wedding parties or other celebrations. A lucky gentleman can be invited to join her if she so chooses and taps him with the tip of her fan.

 Presean Dance (Lombok)

 Presean is an ancient dance ceremony that recreates the legend of Princess Mandalika who, rather than see two suitors fight to the death in order to win her hand in marriage, chose to take her own life. Armed with rattan sticks, the dancers “attack” each other, defending their opponent’s blows with a cowhide shield. As well as its historic associations, the dance also serves to ask God for rain for the imminent planting season with the ancient belief being that the more blood spilled, the more rain would follow.


Oldest Mosque Of Lombok

LOMBOK has populer name is Tousand Mosque Island. Coused the majority religion of lombok people are muslim. So Almost in everywhere on Lombok exist the mosque.

But  this mosque is diferen than others mosque in this world especially in lombok , and its called Masjid kuno. This is ones of the oldest mosque in a history its built when the first time muslim came to lombok.its  seen from there are lot of estate from disseminator of muslim on last time a go. And their grave exist  there  till today.
The mosque used muslim wettu telu religion followers for their tradition celebrate custom.

 Pura Meru (largest temple in Lombok)

Pura Meru, is the largest temple in Lombok. Built in 1720 by Balinese prince Anak Agung Made Karang of the Singosari kingdom in an attempt to unite Lombok, it’s dedicated to the Hindu trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

The outer courtyard has a hall housing the wooden drums that are beaten to call believers to ceremonies (the June full moon is the most important of these). The inner court has one large and 33 small shrines, as well as three meru (multi-roofed shrines), which are in a line: the central meru, with 11 tiers, is Shiva’s house; the meru to the north, with nine tiers, is Vishnu’s; and the seven-tiered meru to the south is Brahma’s. Themeru are also said to represent the three great mountains, Rinjani, Agung and Bromo.



Lombok Culture : PRESEAN

Diposkan oleh Wisata dan Dunia di 14.19




Presean is one of a number of Culture which is owned by the people of Lombok.
Presean it’s means the fight by using Penjalin (Rattan) as a tool to hit and Ende (Shield) as a protective device. Presean has long been recognized by the people of Lombok.

Presean is one of culture that spelled out “hard” because in this culture players (Pepadu) will show an action at each other until one of them issued a fresh blood, however the culture is full of “violence” was still preserved until today this.

Players (pepadu) that issued the fresh blood in his brain then he is considered lose even though he was still able to continue the fight. The uniqueness of this Presean is you can see when Pepadu (Knights) have started hitting each other in action-by using Penjalin (Rottan), when the fight starts musicians will play traditional musical instruments of Lombok, so the battle looks like someone who is dancing, in tune with traditional musical instruments played by the musicians, Each Pepadu (Warrior) hit the opponent until one of them is bleed due to leaky or any one of those who surrendered.

Presean is a blast from the soldiers in the time of empire, after the royal army managed to defeat an opponent in battle. Up until now, still be conserved by the peopleof tribe Sasak, Presean aims to test the courage or guts Cadet (Youth) Sasak, the main purpose of Presean is to attract interest from foreign tourists and local tourists.


 Lombok’s Exclusive Hotel.


Unwind in Style.

Located in beautiful Medana Bay, The Lombok Lodge offers a unique complex of just 9 Luxury Lodges. Graciously designed and luxuriously equipped, overlooking the turquoise ocean, at only a few minutes from the Gili Islands. 
All Lodge Suites offer a fusion of contemporary design and elegant Asian touches, in an oasis of comfort and charme.
The Lombok Lodge – a truly unique Lombok experience. 
A holiday experience that you will never forget!


 To Buy

Want to bring home a souvenir from your holiday? Lombok is famous for it’s pearls, woven baskets, pottery and hand crafted textiles like songkets and ikats. 

Pick up some local handicrafts at the many stores on Jl Raya Sengiggi in Matram. See weavers in action at Rinjani Handwoven or spoil yourself and buy some beautiful crafted furniture at Galeria Nao.  

For pottery, visit Banyumulek village, a pottery centre close to Mataram. Here you will see finely decorated pots as well as traditional urns and water flasks. Penujak (Central Lombok) and Masbagik (East Lombok) are also famous for making pottery. Lombok pottery has gained popularity and is shipped throughout the world. 

Buy some beautiful locally produced textiles and watch the weavers at work. These unique textiles can be used as anything from sarongs, wall hangings and tablecloths. Each design is special to each weaver and passed down through generations. There is a traditional hand weaving village in Puyung (Central Lombok).

For those who love jewelry Lombok is famous for producing some of the world’s finest pearls. The annual Lombok-Sumbawa Pearl Festival is the perfect time to visit and pick up some beautiful pearls. 

One of the most popular areas to shop for all sorts of antiques is on Jl Yos Sudarso where you’ll see everything from traditional bamboo containers to bone jewels and wooden statues. 

Bertais Market is the biggest daily market in Lombok with everything from fresh fruit and vegetables to herbs and spices and local artifacts on sale.





Lombok City


Lombok, a small island is not only reach from culture and art, it is also reach in culinary which have special taste hot and spicy as well as the island name “Lombok” in Bahasa Indonesia is mean Chili paper that always using in all Lombok food. Not only Lombok Traditional food, other food such Padang food, Chinese food, Betawi food and western food also easy to find in restaurant around Lombok, but still dominated by Lombok food.



Plecing Kangkung

Plecing Kangkung, very popular on Lombok as a daily dishes to eat together with plain rice. Plecing kangkung consists of a boiled kangkung (water spinach) seasoning with Sambal Terasi (Special Lombok Chili Sauce) made from grounded fresh red chili, tomato, sprouts, salt, grilled coconut, roasted shrimp paste and lime. It’s taste hot and spicy.

Ayam Taliwang, a tour of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara will not be complete without tasting the local food of Ayam Taliwang. The uniqueness of Ayam Taliwangcomes from chicken that is used, still fresh and young. Beside that, it also can be served as fried chicken, spicy roasted chicken, and also honey roasted chicken. Ayam Taliwang always serve together with Plecing Kangkung with spicy chili sauce and rice.



Bebalung is Sasak language means ribs. This food called Bebalung because made from cows or goats ribs. Its cooked similar to common soup but very well done so the meat at the bones become very soft with traditional seasoning blends. This menu always available in every celebration of local residents. Served with plain rice, slice of lemon and chili make it fresh and tasty. The soup and chili served in separate so for someone who can’t eat spicy food can try this.



Sate Ikan Tanjung
Sate Ikan Tanjung (Fish Satay) Originally coming from a village called Tanjung – Northern Lombok. Pieces of fresh snapper or tuna mixed with coconut milk, lemongrass, garlic, chilli paper, spices, wrapped onto sate stick and grilled. Easy to find this Satay in Ampenan and Tanjung where the food come from. Usually served separate with young chili.

Sate Pusut (Pusut Satay)
The kind of this Satay made from coconut, seasoning and meat. Mix together and put in the stick then grilled. This food is available in every celebration as the choice beside of Satay Tanjung, Chicken Satay and Lamb Satay.



Ares is kind of curry dishes, it made from Ares (Batang Pisang) or in English called banana stem especially inner part cooked together with special seasoning in coconut milk and mixed with meat of chicken, beef or even fish. Its become one of the menu that should available with the Sate (satay), bebalung and pelecing Kangkun on every celebration people in Lombok such as weeding, local ritual, Hari Raya Lebaran (Idul fitri) serve always with rice.



Malean Sampi Festival Lombok

From many festivals that are celebrated in Lombok, the Male’an Sampi Festival of Lombok is a famous one that is celebrated with much so fun. The Male’an Sampi Festival of Lombok is unique for the reason that unlike other festivals, the Male’an Sampi Festival of Lombok is a power-charged game ritual. People have been known the Male’an Sampi Festival since 18 century in the government of Japan era in Indonesia.


The name of the Male’an Sampi Festival of Lombok “Male’an Sampi” can be split into two Sasak words “Male’an” and Sampi”. The word of “Male’an”means ‘chase’or as ‘to run after’ in Sasak, while the “Sampi” means ‘cow’. So literally the Male’an Sampi Festival of Lombok is a festival of cow race or, more broadly, ‘cattle race’. Held within the month of April, the race occurs after the harvest has been gathered and the farms are going through a rest period. During this time, the farmers and the cattle owners and stock breeders take advantage of the leisure to organize and host the Male’an Sampi Festival of Lombok. In fact, through the entire country of Indonesia, the Male’an Sampi Festival of Lombok is a special in this island. 


In this festival is especially for the ability control of two cattle completed with farmer equipment such Gau, Ayuga, Samet and Serumpungan or Kerotok. Before the race begins, the cattle that have been chosen by the owners with care. The cow is decorated to make it more interesting in the race. There is a procession of locals accompanied by music and fanfare. Some of the popular genres of music that accompany this procession are Tawak-Tawak, Gamelan Kampul and Batek Baris Lingsar. After all this, the race begins in the arena. The main arena comprises of a 100 meter long race track. However, it is not an ordinary race track, it is waterlogged. The cows that have been prepared for the race, with good food, grooming and a tiny dose of ‘black magic’ then take to the tracks. The winner and the good performers in the race get star ratings and are put up for sale by the owners as they are considered to be a good investment.


Gendang Beleq /Big Drum (Lombok Traditional Musik)

Gendang Beleq is one of the most popular traditional dance from Lombok. It is named so because each dancer plays a big beleq (drum). In the old times, this dance was performed to say good bye to the soldiers who went to battle fields, and also to welcome those soldiers when they returned. Nowadays this dance is performed to welcome important visitors.
It also a lot performed in various occasions such as marriage ceremonies, in a parade called Nyongkolan and also for the entertainment of the important guests in Lombok.


The performance of Gendang Beleq also combined with dance called Gandrung. The dance involves two huge drums to accompany it. The word “Beleq” means huge and the other word “Gendang” stands for drum. The drums make loud noises, which in turn signify the essence that makes war. 4 or 6 Oceh/Oncer dancer also plays Copeh Instrument and 1 person plays Petuk. Additional instrument are Suling, Gong, Terumpang, Kenceng and Pencek. Total player in a group of this performance is around forty persons.


In the performance of Gendang Beleq have 3 parts and meaning of each part. First part danced by Oncer player, Gendang and Petuk. This part is representation of the soldier going for war. Second part danced by Petuk player with funny style, this dance just for entertain the audience. Third part danced by Oncer player, Gendang and Petuk, this part is representation of the war over.


All the performers wear colorful dresses while dancing. They wearing traditional customs such short pant and cloth, collared clothes, traditional belt called dodot and headband.

Now Gendang Beleq is a part of Indonesian culture festival to promote about Lombok. It is also become one of art education in school. Most of Junior high school in Lombok has Gendang beleq group who can perform and plays as well as their senior. Gendang Beleq attracts music lovers of all people because it is not only to entertain the soldier but all people who see this would enjoy and like it.




In Lombok people speak Bahasa Indonesia like the Balinese and also have their own Sasak language. The Sasak language is spoken by the Sasak ethnic group, which make up the majority of the population. It is closely related to the languages of Bali and Sumbawa.

The language is divided into five dialects, which are not always mutually intelligible:

Kuto-Kute (North Sasak)
Ngeto-Ngete (Northeast Sasak)
Meno-Mene (Central Sasak)
Ngeno-Ngene (Central East Sasak, Central West Sasak)
Mriak-Mriku (Central South Sasak)

Here are some simple phrases.

Where are you going? (the most common greeting) – Ojok um bay?
Just walking – Lampat-lampat
I’m going to Senggigi – Senggigi wah mo ojok um bay
Where is? – Um bay tao?
How are you? – Berem bay khabar?
I’m fine – Bagus / solah
And you? – Berem bay seeda?
How many children do you have? – Pira kanak de?
See you – Yak la low
No problem – Nday kambay kambay

The numbers have a similarity to Bahasa Indonesia:
0 – Ndarak
1 – Skek
2 – Dua
3 – Telu
4 – Empat
5 – Lima
6 – Enam
7 – Pitook
8 – Baluk
9 – Siwak
10 – Sepulu



Cidomo Lombok Island Traditional carriage



A Cidomo is a small horse-drawn carriage used on Indonesia’s Lombok Islands used instead of motorized transport for a traditional market at lombok island. Cidomo came from word of Cikar Dokar Motor. Cikar is a traditional transport for Indonesian traditional village. Dokar is a traditional carriage to mount some good to bring and it to traditional market. And Motor is motorized transport. Cikar and dokar is the name for the body and the horse. In Jakarta it’s mean andong. And motor came form the tire. It’s like a car, isn’t? ha ha ha ha ha. Some of unique name for this traditional transportations.

The carriage usually seats up to four people, two people in the front and two in the back, and in the Gili Islands is one of the most common forms of transport as motor vehicles are not allowed. The horse carts or the cidomos are the most popular mode of transportation in the island of Lombok in Indonesia. In Senggigi and Gillis the Cidomo is mostly used by the tourists. But in the other places in Lombok, the Cidomo is a very important means of transportation for the local travelers also.  The Lombok Cidomo Service is very popular amongst the visitors for the availability and the fun that the ride provides. The fare of taking a Cidomo ride often depends on two factors – whether the Cidomo is available or not and whether there is enough demand or not.  There is no dearth for the demand for Cidomo service in Lombok during the peak seasons. The price that you have to pay for taking a ride in the Cidomo for a short trip is 1000Rp, which may rise up to 1500Rp.





















GendangBeleq Dance (Lombok)


The traditional GendangBeleq Dance is an ancient Lombok ritual that is accompanied by rhythmic drumming that is beaten out on huge drums. The dance was originally performed to send Lombok warriors off to battle and again to welcome their return. Nowadays the dance is performed more for tourists and is accompanied by other cultural showpieces, handicrafts and traditional food and drinks


Gandrung Dance (Lombok)


Gandrung dance is performed usually by a young woman in wedding parties or other celebrations. A lucky gentleman can be invited to join her if she so chooses and taps him with the tip of her fan.




Presean Dance (Lombok)


Presean is an ancient dance ceremony that recreates the legend of Princess Mandalika who, rather than see two suitors fight to the death in order to win her hand in marriage, chose to take her own life. Armed with rattan sticks, the dancers “attack” each other, defending their opponent’s blows with a cowhide shield. As well as its historic associations, the dance also serves to ask God for rain for the imminent planting season with the ancient belief being that the more blood spilled, the more rain would follow.





SubaMonca Dance is a Bimanese traditional dance about soldiers doing war exercises.



Badede Dance (Sumbawa)


Badede Dance is performed by ladies from etnicsamawa about a woman who is having bad mood. While performing she is also singing about her sadness.




Oldest Mosque Of Lombok


LOMBOK has populer name is Tousand Mosque Island. Coused the majority religion of lombok people are muslim. So Almost in everywhere on Lombok exist the mosque.

But  this mosque is diferen than others mosque in this world especially in lombok , and its called Masjid kuno. This is ones of the oldest mosque in a history its built when the first time muslim came to lombok.its  seen from there are lot of estate from disseminator of muslim on last time a go. And their grave exist  there  till today.
The mosque used muslim wettu telu religion followers for their tradition celebrate custom.


Pura Meru

Pura Meru, is the largest temple in Lombok. Built in 1720 by Balinese prince Anak Agung Made Karang of the Singosari kingdom in an attempt to unite Lombok, it’s dedicated to the Hindu trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

The outer courtyard has a hall housing the wooden drums that are beaten to call believers to ceremonies (the June full moon is the most important of these). The inner court has one large and 33 small shrines, as well as three meru (multi-roofed shrines), which are in a line: the central meru, with 11 tiers, is Shiva’s house; the meru to the north, with nine tiers, is Vishnu’s; and the seven-tiered meru to the south is Brahma’s. Themeru are also said to represent the three great mountains, Rinjani, Agung and Bromo.



The main of tourism place on Lombok Island is Senggigi, with white sandy beaches, small palm-fringed bays and safe swimming areas, The point at central Senggigi has good waves for surfers, There are various foreign and local restaurants that offering international and local foods, cafes and entertainment venues. These all are available along the main Senggigi road.


Is a temple on rocky point which just into the sea. The rock on which its seats has a natural hole, giving the temple its name (which literally means ‘rock with hole’. Being a Balinese Temple, it’s oriented toward Gunung Agung, Bali’s holiest mountain, across the Lombok Strait.

It was the royal Court of the former Balinese Kingdom and Built in 1774 . it is located close to Pura Meru , the Biggest Balinese temple in Lombok . Both these Tourist attractions are in Cakranegara.


Pura Meru Temple, the largest temple in Lombok, is situated on the town border between Mataram and Cakranegara. The temple was constructed in the year, 1720 and is dedicated to the Holy Trinity of the Hindus, Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma. According to Hinduism, Lord Shiva or Lord Siwa is the Destroyer of the Universe, Lord Vishnu is the Preserver of the Universe and Lord Brahma is the Creator of the Universe. Pura Meru Temple complex has three courtyards, which have small Meru shrines, but the shrines of the Holy Trinity are in the central courtyard. For a somber and reverential visit to this temple, spend some time in peace and solitude.

To understand why this temple complex was so important in the Balinese scheme of things, one has to understand the place of Mt. Rinjani in Indonesian lives. This is one of the highest peaks in Indonesia and an active volcano, the last time it erupted was about two years ago. The mountain is very revered by the locals and the crater lake, Seggara Anak Lake, which is just below the rim is believed to have healing powers, just as the numerous hot springs which dot the slopes to the mountain. Here people come from near and afar to offer offerings to the majestic mountain and the lake in hope of a cure to their various ailments. Legend has it that the aged and ailing monarch found it difficult to climb the mountain and offer his homage.  Narmada Taman Temple Complex lies at six miles east of Cakranegara and was built in 1727 during the reign of King Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Karang Asem. It is situated near the famous Narmada Park. The architecture of this temple is very interesting as there is a mix of three distinct styles, Hindu, Islam and Sasak. The whole outlay is a miniature of the mountain and the crater lake. Narmada is a sacred river in India and the temple in the complex, Pura Kalasa, is still the center of Balinese Pujawali celebration. Pura Kalasa is dedicated to Lord Shiva. The whole complex is very beautiful and you can spend some peaceful hours here but the weekends see hordes of crowds. The visiting hours are from seven in the morning to six in the evening.


Set in pleasant gardens, is noted for its bubling, icy cold spring water and restored baths with ornate Balinese carvings and it has one of the holiest temple on Lombok.

Pura Lingsar Temple is Lombok’s holiest temple and it was built in 1714. It was built by the Balinese when they first crossed over to the island, but it was also reconstructed with the help of Sasak Muslims as a symbol of unity. So this temple blends Balinese Hindu religion and Wektu Telu religions in one complex. Wektu Telu is the religion that was practiced by the Lombok natives before Balinese advent. Pura Lingsar Temple is interesting on quite a number of counts. The Hindu temple is in the northern section and the Wektu Telu is in the southern section of the temple. The northern section is on an elevated level than the southern section and such differentiation will definitely make those interested in Wektu Telu delve even deeper to find answers to such riddles.  Pura Lingsar Temple, Lombok has a small temple pond. This pond is enclosed and the temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. The pond has innumerable holy eels which cannot be seen with just leaning over the water, they have to be lured out of their hidings with fragments of hard boiled eggs. There are stalls outside the temple selling eggs. To enter the temple one has to wear a sarong or a sash, but it is advisable not to enter any of the outer buildings. This temple sees some joyous occasions. Perang Topat is held in mid December every year, this is a ritual battle where after the costumed parade, Hindus and Wektu bombard each other with ketupat, that is, sticky rice in coconut leaves. Therefore a mid December visit to Lombok will allow one to be a witness to such festivals.

This site is about 10 km to the south of Mataram where you can see the secondary activities of the local people making a variety of clay pots and kitchen implements such as clay firing stoves , clay water keepers , etc in traditional style

The only village which in west of Lombok where the secondary activities of the local people are wood carving.

Sasak traditional village which is situated on the hill side with a fresh and peaceful atmosphere , where there are typical Sasak House : Bale Balak ( living house) with a short door , thatched roof .
A two km walk passing through terraced rice field provides a mountain view and the soft sound of running river welcome you to stay in this town . Basket items are made of mountain weed in traditional style are available here.

It is south of of cakranegara , there is a traditional weaving village . the pattern and colouring have descended from mother to daughter for many generations.

One of the many pottery villages in Lombok where clay pots for everyday use , simple in design and primitive in style are produced.

Native People Villages with their traditional hyperbolic shape thatched huts supported by roughly hewn wooden beams with wide strips of Bamboo interwoven to form walls . Villagers still wear their traditional customs.

A 10 km magnificient deserted golden beach with green palm leaves weave far behind offers an ideal and private site to satisfy yourself with sea and sun ray. Your vacation in Lombok would remain incomplete without a visit to this beach.

It is located on the hill at the foot of mount Rinjani , every now and then in its mahogany forest , black monkeys come out from their hiding places.

This bamboo craft village is located in east of lombok . Many kind of baskets , wallets and Bags made of bamboo plaiting can be found here.

This villages produces wood carvings in traditional style , plaited rattan baskets and furniture’s.

The biggest fishermen village , situated in the South East of Lombok .where the people go fishing by simple outrigger boat with either lured fishing lines or nets.

A tiny islands with wonderful scenery and beautiful sea garden and underwater life shore offshore with white sandy beach.
It’s true the gilies do have a lot of coral , that’s why they have so much fish , and their blue coral is famous in its
Own right .the gilies also have the odd wreck or two and clear water and blue variety – but more than 3,500 species of fish is the real attraction.

Senaru’s best known attraction is the the Sindang Gile Waterfall which attracts many thousands of Indonesian and foreign visitors annually . Located at about 600m above sea level . More adventurous , Senaru’s second waterfall Tiu Kelep is another hour’s walk upriver from sindang gile.

Cool , bracing fresh air rushes through the car window .You are climbing , and soon at Senaru , the jump-of point for Rinjani climbs and home to a rush of water.

Reach out and touch the Mount Rinjani . this is beautiful , especially when the rice fields that not long ago were verdantly green but without human activity .Sembalun invite you to put on a coat.

Mount Rinjani on the island of Lombok stands at 3726 above sea level . Both Balinese and the local Sasak consider the volcanoes as sacred . in addition ,the thermal hot pools that flow from its volcanic centre are said to have immense healing properties.






Lombok Culture : PRESEAN

Diposkan oleh Wisata dan Dunia di 14.19



Lombok Culture : Presean

Presean is one of a number of Culture which is owned by the people of Lombok.
Presean it’s means the fight by using Penjalin (Rattan) as a tool to hit and Ende (Shield) as a protective device. Presean has long been recognized by the people of Lombok.

Presean is one of culture that spelled out “hard” because in this culture players (Pepadu) will show an action at each other until one of them issued a fresh blood, however the culture is full of “violence” was still preserved until today this.


Lombok Culture : Presean

Players (pepadu) that issued the fresh blood in his brain then he is considered lose even though he was still able to continue the fight.

The uniqueness of this Presean is you can see when Pepadu (Knights) have started hitting each other in action-by using Penjalin (Rottan), when the fight starts musicians will play traditional musical instruments of Lombok, so the battle looks like someone who is dancing, in tune with traditional musical instruments played by the musicians, Each Pepadu (Warrior) hit the opponent until one of them is bleed due to leaky or any one of those who surrendered.

Presean is a blast from the soldiers in the time of empire, after the royal army managed to defeat an opponent in battle. Up until now, still be conserved by the peopleof tribe Sasak, Presean aims to test the courage or guts Cadet (Youth) Sasak, the main purpose of Presean is to attract interest from foreign tourists and local tourists.








Lombok’s Exclusive Boutique Hotel.

A vacation in The Lombok Lodge is like none other!
The Lombok Lodge provides a unique service and a mouthwatering cuisine. You will enjoy the luxury and the service of a 5-star establishment within the dimensions of an attractive, privately run hotel. And that’s what makes the difference. The difference that you will adore.



Unwind in Style.

Located in beautiful Medana Bay, The Lombok Lodge offers a unique complex of just 9 Luxury Lodges. Graciously designed and luxuriously equipped, overlooking the turquoise ocean, at only a few minutes from the Gili Islands. 
All Lodge Suites offer a fusion of contemporary design and elegant Asian touches, in an oasis of comfort and charme.
The Lombok Lodge – a truly unique Lombok experience. 
A holiday experience that you will never forget!







To Buy

Want to bring home a souvenir from your holiday? Lombok is famous for it’s pearls, woven baskets, pottery and hand crafted textiles like songkets and ikats. 

Pick up some local handicrafts at the many stores on Jl Raya Sengiggi in Matram. See weavers in action at Rinjani Handwoven or spoil yourself and buy some beautiful crafted furniture at Galeria Nao.  

For pottery, visit Banyumulek village, a pottery centre close to Mataram. Here you will see finely decorated pots as well as traditional urns and water flasks. Penujak (Central Lombok) and Masbagik (East Lombok) are also famous for making pottery. Lombok pottery has gained popularity and is shipped throughout the world. 

Buy some beautiful locally produced textiles and watch the weavers at work. These unique textiles can be used as anything from sarongs, wall hangings and tablecloths. Each design is special to each weaver and passed down through generations. There is a traditional hand weaving village in Puyung (Central Lombok).

For those who love jewelry Lombok is famous for producing some of the world’s finest pearls. The annual Lombok-Sumbawa Pearl Festival is the perfect time to visit and pick up some beautiful pearls. 

One of the most popular areas to shop for all sorts of antiques is on Jl Yos Sudarso where you’ll see everything from traditional bamboo containers to bone jewels and wooden statues. 

Bertais Market is the biggest daily market in Lombok with everything from fresh fruit and vegetables to herbs and spices and local artifacts on sale.




Public transport on the island comes in the form of buses and bemos (small minibus). The main bus terminal is Mandalika at Bertais. 
Hiring a car or motorcycle is a convenient way to explore the island. It is easiest to do this in Senggigi. Hotels and travel agencies offer the most competitive rates for car and motorcycle hire.  
If you have rented a motorcycle in Bali you can bring this with you on the ferry to Lombok. 
For a local experience, take a leisurely ride in a cidomo or horse cart. This traditional mode of transport may not be the quickest way to get around but it’s certainly a great way to soak up the scenery.  
The Bluebird Group operate taxi’s on Lombok.


Southeast Asia : Indonesia : Nusa Tenggara : Lombok

Lombok is an island in the West Nusa Tenggara province of Indonesia. It is part of the chain of the Lesser Sunda Islands, with the Lombok Strait separating it from Bali to the west and the Alas Strait between it and Sumbawa to the east.


Makanan Sehat Saat Musim Penghujan

Memasuki musim penghujan, tubuh akan rentan terhadap berbagai penyakit. Salah satu tips agar tubuh tetap bugar dalam cuaca yang tidak bersahabat adalah dengan memperhatikan asupan nutrisi. Beberapa makanan di bawah ini adalah makanan sehat dan baik dikonsumsi di musim penghujan.

Bawang Putih
Bawang putih dipercaya mampu membunuh bakteri penyebab penyakit. Seperti yang dilaporkan New York Times, kandungan allicin pada bawang putih dapat melawan flu yang sering timbul karena perubahan cuaca. Makanan jenis afrodisiak atau pembangkit gairah ini juga memiliki efek menghangatkan tubuh.
Tanaman rimpang ini dapat diolah untuk campuran makanan atau minuman. Untuk praktisnya, Anda dapat menyeduhnya dengan segelas air hangat. Tambahkan sedikit madu atau susu yang sangat cocok diminum saat hujan turun. Jahe memiliki anti inflamasi yang dapat mengurangi rasa nyeri dan memberikan rasa nyaman di dalam tubuh.  
Air Putih 
Selain makanan, meminum air putih juga dapat melindungi Anda menghalau penyakit saat musim hujan. Karena air putih dipercaya dapat membantu mengencerkan lendir dengan kandungan H2O yang dimilikinya. 
Selain air putih, teh juga baik dikonsumsi untuk mencegah sakit tenggorokan. Kandungan antioksidannya bisa melawan infeksi tenggorokan.
Jus Buah
Mengonsumsi banyak vitamin C dapat melawan penyakit flu. Minum segelas jus jeruk tanpa gula dapat  memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh Anda. Mengapa tidak menggunakan gula? Karena gula dapat menghambat sel darah putih melawan infeksi.
Protein Hewani
Mengonsumsi daging ikan, dan ayam yang memiliki protein dapat membantu menghangatkan tubuh dan menambah kekebalan tubuh. Kalau ingin lebih sehat, jangan menggorengnya agar tidak berlemak. Anda bisa memasaknya dengan cara kukus ataupun panggang.
Sup Sayuran
Menyantap hidangan hangat saat hujan turun adalah hal yang tepat untuk menghangatkan tubuh secara alami. Sup sayuran ini berisi sayuran yang beragam, yang tentunya dapat mencegah rasa lapar karena mengandung serat yang banyak. Dikonsumsi dalam jumlah banyak pun tidak akan membuat Anda khawatir. Tambahkan potongan ayam atau sapi agar dapat mencegah infeksi penyakit.
   Tidak ingin aktivitas terganggu karena kekebalan tubuh menurun, kan? Makanya konsumsi beberapa makanan sehat tersebut agar dapat menjaga kesehatan Anda di saat musim hujan tiba.   
Sumber : 

Pengertian Bahasa Iklan

Pengertian Bahasa Iklan

Pengertian Iklan

Kata iklan (advertising) berasal dari bahasa Yunani, yang artinya kurang lebih adalah ‘menggiring orang pada gagasan’. Adapun pengertian iklan seeara komprehensif adalah “semua bentuk aktivitas untuk menghadirkan dan mempromosikan ide, barang, atau jasa secara nonpersonal yang dibayar oleh sponsor tertentu…” Secara umum, iklan berwujud penyajian informasi nonpersonal tentang suatu produk, merek, perusahaan, atau toko yang dijalankan dengan kompensasi biaya tertentu. Dengan demikian, iklan merupakan suatu proses komunikasi yang bertujuan untuk membujuk atau menggiring orang untuk mengambil tindakan yang menguntungkan bagi pihak pembuat iklan.

Misi : Pikiran mempunyai kapasitas yang terbatas untuk mengambil dan menyimpan informasi. Satu cara untuk mengatasi keterbatasan alami untuk menerima informasi baru adalah dengan bekerja keras untuk menampilkan pesan Anda sebagai informasi yang pentinng

Visi : Seiring dengan waktu, banyak orang di bisnis periklanan melupakannya. Ada beberapa alasan mengapa mereka lupa. Yang pertama adalah dalam awal-awal periklanan, ketika para pedagang dan pengusaha kecil mengetahui bahwa mereka bisa menjual produk mereka kalau mereka memasang iklan, klien-klien ini tidak memiliki departemen pemasaran dan benar-benar tidak tahu banyak tentang periklanan.

Adapun pengertian Iklan lainnya

“Iklan merupakan suatu proses komunikasi yang bertujuan untuk membujuk dan menggiring orang untuk mengambil tindakan yang menguntungkan bagi pihak pembuat iklan” (Durianto, 2003, p.l).

“Iklan bisa di definisikan sebagai bentuk komunikasi nonpersonal yang menjual pesan-pesan persuasif dari sponsor yang jelas untuk mempengaruhi orang membeli produk dengan membayar sejumlah biaya untuk media” (Kriyantono, 2008, p. 174).

Iklan adalah komunikas komersial dan nonpersonal tentang sebuah organisasi dan produk-produknya yang di transmisikan ke suatu khalayak target melalui media bersifat missal seperti televisi, radio, koram, majalah dirrect mail(pengeposan langsung), reklame ruang luar, atau kendaraan umum (Lee, 2004)

Dengan demikian iklan dapat didefinisikan sebagai salah satu jenis teknik komunikasi massa dengan membayar ruangan atau waktu untuk menyiarkan informasi tentang barang dan jasa yang di tawarkan oleh si pemasang iklan (Suhandang, 2005).





Iklan Sebagai Kegiatan Komunikasi

Menurut Guinn, Allen, dan Semenik dalam buku yang berjudul Advertising & Integrated Brand Promotion mengemukakan bahwa periklanan merupakan sebuah proses komunikasi. Ketiga tokoh tersebut menyatakan bahwa “Communication is a fundamental aspect of human existence, and advertising is a communication” (2003, p. 13). 

Periklanan merupakan kegiatan yang terkait pada dua bidang kehidupan manusia sehari-hari, yakni ekonomi dan komunikasi. Dalam bidang komunikasi, periklanan merupakan proses atau kegiatan komunikasi yang melibatkan pihak-pihak sponsor (pemasang iklan), media masa, dan agen periklanan (Suhandang, 2005).

Menurut Lasswell, proses komunikasi terdiri dari 5 unsur utama, yaitu komunikator, pesan, media, komunikan, dan efek (dalam Mulyana, 2001). Dalam sebuah iklan, pesan merupakan inti yang penting. Penyampaian pesan yang efektif dapat pula membuat iklan tersebut efektif. Kemudian media yang digunakan lembaga sebagai penyampaian pesan tersebut dapat berupa media elektronik atau media cetak. Komunikan ari sebuah iklan adalah target yang dibidik oleh lembaga atau organisasi tersebut. Dalam periklanan di kenal tiga efek yaitu, kognitifafektif, danbehavioral.


Tujuan Iklan

Tujuan periklanan menyatakan di mana perusahaan ingin berada dalam kaitannya dengan pangsa pasar dan kepekaan publik, dapat berorientasi penjualan dan berorientasi komunikasi (Lee, 2004).

Berdasarkan tujuan periklanan maka iklan dapat di bedakan menjadi tiga jenis, yaitu iklan informasi, persuasi, dan pengingat. (Kriyantono, 2008).

1.      Iklan informatif

Iklan informatif bertujuan untuk membentuk permintaan pertama. Caranya dengan memberitahukan pasar tentang produk baru, mengusulkan kegunaan baru suatu produk, memberitahukan pasar tentang perubahan harga, menjelaskan cara kerja suatu produk, pelayanan yang tersedia, mengoreksi kesan yang salah mengurangi kecemasan pembeli dan membangun citra perusahaan. Biasanya dilakukan besar-besaran pada tahap awal peluncuran suatu produk.

2.      Iklan persuasif

Iklan persuasif bertujuan untuk membentuk permintaan selektif suatu merek tertentu dan dilakukan pada tahap kompetitif dengan membentuk preferensi merek, mendorong alih merek, mengubah persepsi pembeli tentang atribut produk, membujuk pembeli untuk membeli sekarang, serta membujuk pembeli menerima, mencoba, atau mensimulasikan produk.

3.      Iklan pengingat

Iklan pengingat bertujuan untuk mengingatkan pembeli pada produk yang sudah mapan bahwa produk tersebut mungkin akan dibutuhkan kemudian, mengingatkan pembeli dimana mereka dapat membelinya, dan mempertahankan kesadaran puncak.

4.      Iklan penambah nilai

Iklan penambah nilai bertujuan untuk menambah nilai serta merek pada persepsi konsumen dengan melakukan inovasi, perbaikan kualitas, dan penguatan persepsi konsumen.

5.      Iklan bantuan aktivits lain

Iklan bantuan aktivitas lain bertujuan membantu memfasilitasi aktivitas lain perusahaan dalam proses komunikasi pemasaran.


Klasifikasi Periklanan
Lee dan Johnson (2004) mengklasifikasikan periklanan ke dalam beberapa tipe besar sebagai berikut :

1.      Periklanan Produk

2.      Periklanan Eceran

3.      Periklanan Korporasi

4.      Periklanan dari Bisnis ke Bisnis

5.      Periklanan Politik

6.      Periklanan Direktori

7.      Periklanan Respon Langsung

8.      Periklanan Pelayanan Masyarakat

9.      Periklanan Advokasi

Fungsi Periklanan
Terdapat 7 fungsi dasar periklanan yaitu (Wells, Mariarty, & Burnet, 2006) :

1.      Membangun awarness atas produk dan merek.

2.      Membentuk image atas produk dan merek.

3.      Menyediakan informasi atas produk dan merek.

4.      Membujuk audiens.

5.      Mendorong audiens untuk mengambil tindakan.

6.      Sarana untuk mengingatkan merek terhadap audiens

7.      Memperkuat minat pembeli dan pengalaman merek.


Teknik Kreativitas Iklan

            Ada beberapa cara kreatif yang dapat di gunakan untuk menarik perhatian audience dalam beriklan. Menurut Altstiel dan Grow dalam bukunya ada 6 macam cara kreatif, yaitu (Altstiel & Grow, 2007) :

1.      Music

2.      Voice Talent

3.      Animated Characters/ Animal

4.      Spokesperson/ Celebrities

5.      Story Lines/ Situations/ Catchphrases

6.      Design and Tagline


source : Petra Christian University Library


Pengertian Lainnya :


Pada hakikatnya iklan adalah pesan atau berita yang bertujuan untuk memberitahukan kepada masyarakat luas dan khalayak ramai tentang produk dan atau jasa yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan dan siap untuk dipindahkan hak kepemilikannya melalui proses jual beli.
Sementara itu periklanan adalah serangkaian kegiatan untuk memasarkan produk dan jasa kepada masyarakat tertentu melalui media tertentu dengan sesuatu pesan atau berita.
Menurut Lofton (2004) mengatakan bahwa iklan tidak hanya hangat tetapi juga harus jelas. Untuk itu diperlukan perhatian khusus hari demi hari untuk dapat memberikan sajian iklan yang terkini dan sesuai dengan konteks perhatian masyarakat sesuai dengan sasaran iklan.



  1. iklan dapat diartikan sebagai berita pesanan (untuk mendorong, membujuk) kepada khalayak / orang ramai tentang benda atau jasa yang ditawarkan. 
    b. Iklan dapat pula diartikan sebagai pemberitahuan kepada khalayak / orang ramai mengenai barang atau jasa yang dijual dan dipasang di dalam media massa, seperti surat kabar / koran, majalah dan media elektronik seperti radio, televisi dan internet. Dari pengertian iklan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa iklan dibuat dengan tujuan untuk menarik perhatian dan mendorong atau membujuk pembaca iklan agar memiliki atau memenuhi permintaan pemasang iklan. 
    dari pengertian iklan maka, iklan harus memenuhi syarat-syarat iklan yaitu sebagai berikut 

    Syarat-syarat iklan :
    1. Bahasa Iklan 
    a. Menggunakan pilihan kata yang tepat, menarik, sopan, dan logis
    b. ungkapkan atau majas yang digunakan untuk memikat dan sugestif 
    c. Disusun secara singkat dan menonjolkan bagian-bagian yang dipentingkan

    2. Isi iklan 
    a. objektif dan jujur 
    b. singkat dan jelas
    c. tidak menyinggung golongan tertentu atau produsen lain
    d. menarik perhatian banyak orang.






Tips dan Trik Penulisan Bahasa Iklan

1. Menggugah: mencermati kebutuhan konsumen, memberikan solusi, dan memberikan perhatian.
2. Informatif: kata-katanya harus jelas, bersahabat, komunikatif. Tidak bertele-tele apalagi sampai mengabaikan durasi penayangan.
3. Persuasif: rangkaian kalimatnya membuat konsumen nyaman, senang, tentram, menghibur. 
4. Bertenaga gerak: komposisi kata-katanya menghargai waktu selama masa penawaran/masa promosi berlangsung.


Sumber           :

Tak Terganti

Dinginnya nafasmu

Bagi ku tetap terasa hangat

Sunyinya hatimu

tetap terasa ramai dihatiku

Keberadaanmu yang jauh

Bagi ku tetap terasa dekat

Kehidupan mu yang sederhana

menjadi daya tarik untukku

Begitu sempurna nya dirimu, betapa berharga nya dirimu, tak ada yang bisa menggantikanmu dihatiku sayang…..


Indonesia adalah negara yang kaya

Sumber daya alam yang melimpah

Keindahan alam yang memukau

Gemah ripah loh jinawi

                        Namun semua nya telah hilang

                        Terkikis oleh keserakahan manusia

Yang tidak mempunyai rasa kemanusiaan

Hati nurani nya hanya berisi ambisi


Rakyat menjerit, menagis dan merintih

Menghadapi keserakahan para pemimpin

Yang hanya mementingkan keegoisan nya

Perut buncit hanya berisi ambisi


Ooh, para pemimpin bangsa ku

Tolong lah kami, lihat lah kami

Betapa terpuruk hidup kami

Biarkan lah kami hidup tanpa keserakahan mu